A Technology-Driven Oil & Gas Company Uses Digital Twin Technology
A Technology-Driven Oil & Gas Company Uses Digital Twin Technology To Do Offshore Rig Inspections And Real-Time Monitoring.
Oil & gas client who has an oil rig 100+ miles off the coast of Galveston in the Gulf of Mexico. They were flying teams of people out to the rig on helicopters to do mandatory equipment inspections. We were able to create a digital twin 3D model of the rig and every component and piece of equipment. We also worked with partners to install IoT sensors, actuators, and devices to retrieve data from all the rig equipment. We then worked with their satellite provider to transmit all the new data to a cloud platform where we could manipulate the data.
Ultimately, we provided custom software to not only do remote inspections but provide real-time monitoring of all their equipment for pressure, heat, throughout, and a lot of other metrics. This was a game changer, and they remarked that “the Deepwater Horizon explosion would never have happened if they had this technology.
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